
We got a puppy. A beautiful Neapolitan Mastiff. His name is Charles.

Right now he loves beans, kibbles, popcorn, steak, carrots and pig ears. He is mostly calm submissive but at exactly 8pm every night he goes nuts (oh, he also loves nuts). He has already eaten 1.5 tennis balls, a squeaky chicken, a fat hippo doll  and 7 pig ears. He pees a ton. We picked him out from the litter at 4 weeks old. The next 5 weeks were the longest ever!! Who waits 9 months?? Get a puppy.

We got him at 9 weeks old and 22 pounds.

10 weeks.

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12 weeks.

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He is now 14 weeks old and 45 pounds. He’s going to be huge!

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We Are The Schneider's!

We are William & Jubilee, a Catholic couple dedicated to living intentional & genuine. Always chasing sainthood & the next adventure. When not conjuring up internet & marketing magic, we can be found brewing espresso or beer, gardening, taking pictures & hanging out with our babies.

family mission

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