We are hopping on the bandwagon and embarking on this little online journal of ours for the same reason everyone else does . . .  this crazy life goes by way too fast and there are way to many funny and tender things I want to keep track of!  That and we decided it was time we had one space to corral all our many sites.

Our moms and my sisters (ok realistically maybe just Whitney) are probably the only people who will ever read our ramblings and we are ok with that!  In fact I am more than ok with that because I wont have to worry about all the things big time bloggers seem to worry about.
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This is by no means our first blog.  See our portfolio of websites in the header.  But this is our first, not for a client, not to pay the bills, just for our use and enjoyment, personal blog.

We are happily 11 months married at this point and are excited to jot down what we have been up to!


We Are The Schneider's!

We are William & Jubilee, a Catholic couple dedicated to living intentional & genuine. Always chasing sainthood & the next adventure. When not conjuring up internet & marketing magic, we can be found brewing espresso or beer, gardening, taking pictures & hanging out with our babies.

family mission

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